A few words about

What We Do

Our Organization is involved in numerous projects.

HWWK programs were officially launched on 23rd February 2003 in Mukuru Informal Settlement by the then U.S. Ambassador Mr. Johnny Carson. Thus began our work with HIV prevention.
HWWK has grown and provided support to thousands of vulnerable youth, orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), women, and key and priority populations in different parts of the country. These beneficiaries have been reached through various programs including HIV prevention, care and support/treatment, education subsidies, healthcare, nutrition, psychosocial support, shelter, vocational training, entrepreneurship training, support to access micro-finance, initiation of businesses, and linkage to the job market. HWWK has also complimented the Ministry of Health through mobilization of blood donors so as to meet the deficit of blood in the Blood Banks in hospitals in Kenya.

Strengthening Community Health & Related Structures

HWWK works with like-minded stakeholders and seeks to create and strengthen community structures that are responsive, sustainable and effectively supporting citizens and their communities to address their health and developmental challenges.

Health and HIV Services

HWWK works with other stakeholders to develop and implement strategies and interventions that increase access and utilization of health services to youth and children- its primary beneficiaries.

Improved Livelihoods

HWWK works with youth and child caregivers in underserved communities to improve their entrepreneurship and vocational skills to enable them start businesses and/or get jobs. HWWK also links them to internships and microfinance opportunities.

Child and Youth Sponsorship

We mobilize resources to support high school education through sponsorships programs, facilitate transition to university and build partnerships for mentorship programs.

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