Strong Community Health and Related Structures
Community Health and Related Structures

Communities are not sufficiently engaged in addressing their own health concerns undermining program sustainability and impact. Girls aged 15-24 are particularly absent from health related community activities. Newly formed county governments are yet to develop the necessary capacities to adequately shape, implement, monitor and evaluate health programs that are likely to have considerable impact.

Children living in poverty and adverse conditions also have higher exposure to risk factors that impair their cognitive development. The level of family and community awareness of the nuances of early childhood is low thus increasing exposure of children to these risks. Also, due to limited access to education in the informal settlements and in some of the less served rural or nomadic areas (often related to low income or distance) many children and youth are not adequately prepared for adolescence and adulthood.

HWWK works with like-minded stakeholders and seeks to create and strengthen community structures that are responsive, sustainable and effectively supporting citizens and their communities to address their health and developmental challenges.

Communities are not sufficiently engaged in addressing their own health concerns undermining program sustainability and impact. Girls aged 15-24 are particularly absent from health related community activities. Newly formed county governments are yet to develop the necessary capacities to adequately shape, implement, monitor and evaluate health programs that are likely to have considerable impact.

Children living in poverty and adverse conditions also have higher exposure to risk factors that impair their cognitive development. The level of family and community awareness of the nuances of early childhood is low thus increasing exposure of children to these risks. Also, due to limited access to education in the informal settlements and in some of the less served rural or nomadic areas (often related to low income or distance) many children and youth are not adequately prepared for adolescence and adulthood.

HWWK works with like-minded stakeholders and seeks to create and strengthen community structures that are responsive, sustainable and effectively supporting citizens and their communities to address their health and developmental challenges.

The Demographic and Health Survey 2014 showed that 30% of Kenyans lack access to clean water, and nearly half either lack access to a toilet facility or have a non-improved toilet. A non-improved toilet is a public or shared toilet that is used by more than one household. They may also use a bucket and have to pour the excrement in places not designated for such use, for example in Mukuru excrement can be poured into the river. In slum areas, such as Kibera, and also in underserved rural areas, almost 90% of the population, including youth and their families, reportedly do not have piped water and use pit latrines. This poor sanitation environment exposes the youth and children to health hazards such as infections by various diseases. Water-related diseases & associated conditions are the leading causes of sickness in children under 5 years, with the leading causes of death being pneumonia and diarrhea.

HWWK designs and implements programs that improve access to clean water and sanitary facilities in areas where it works to reduce water-borne diseases and improve the health of youth and children in their communities.

What We Do
implementing programs that improve access to clean water and sanitary facilities in areas where it works to reduce water-borne diseases and improve the health of youth and children in their communities.

The Demographic and Health Survey 2014 showed that 30% of Kenyans lack access to clean water, and nearly half either lack access to a toilet facility or have a non-improved toilet. A non-improved toilet is a public or shared toilet that is used by more than one household. They may also use a bucket and have to pour the excrement in places not designated for such use, for example in Mukuru excrement can be poured into the river. In slum areas, such as Kibera, and also in underserved rural areas, almost 90% of the population, including youth and their families, reportedly do not have piped water and use pit latrines. This poor sanitation environment exposes the youth and children to health hazards such as infections by various diseases. Water-related diseases & associated conditions are the leading causes of sickness in children under 5 years, with the leading causes of death being pneumonia and diarrhea.

HWWK designs and implements programs that improve access to clean water and sanitary facilities in areas where it works to reduce water-borne diseases and improve the health of youth and children in their communities.

What We Do
implementing programs that improve access to clean water and sanitary facilities in areas where it works to reduce water-borne diseases and improve the health of youth and children in their communities.

Wine to Water- a non-profit organization based in the US donated water filters to help curb water borne diseases. The filters and buckets were distributed to households in Embu as part of the 2019 HOPE Volunteer Corps project.

Wine to Water- a non-profit organization based in the US donated water filters to help curb water borne diseases. The filters and buckets were distributed to households in Embu as part of the 2019 HOPE Volunteer Corps project.

HOPE worldwide Kenya employees received water filters and buckets donated by HOPE worldwide in conjunction with Wine to Water- a non-profit organization based in the US.

The staff received a brief training session of about 40 minutes on proper installation and use. The filters can last up to ten (10) years if maintained and cleaned correctly.

The staff received a brief training session of about 40 minutes on proper installation and use. The filters can last up to ten (10) years if maintained and cleaned correctly.

HOPE worldwide Kenya employees received water filters and buckets donated by HOPE worldwide in conjunction with Wine to Water- a non-profit organization based in the US.

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