Improved Livelihoods
Improved Livelihoods

HWWK works with youth and child caregivers in underserved communities to improve their entrepreneurship and vocational skills to enable them start businesses and/or get jobs. HWWK also links them to internships and microfinance opportunities. We also assist younger youth to resume school.

The World Bank estimates that 17% of youth (15- 24 years) in Kenya who are available and seeking for employment are unemployed. The government of Kenya estimates that 80% of those unemployed are below 35 years and 90% of these lack requisite skills. The lack of employment leads to inadequate utilization of available health services and increases vulnerability of youth to HIV infection. Children and youth from poor and vulnerable households are more likely to drop out of school, be separated from their siblings, and be exposed to all forms of abuse, such as exploitation, sexual abuse and neglect, and to suffer psychosocial trauma.

HWWK is working to alleviate the vulnerability that is brought by limited and inadequate sources of livelihood among the populations we serve.

HWWK works with youth and child caregivers in underserved communities to improve their entrepreneurship and vocational skills to enable them start businesses and/or get jobs. HWWK also links them to internships and microfinance opportunities. We also assist younger youth to resume school.

The World Bank estimates that 17% of youth (15- 24 years) in Kenya who are available and seeking for employment are unemployed. The government of Kenya estimates that 80% of those unemployed are below 35 years and 90% of these lack requisite skills. The lack of employment leads to inadequate utilization of available health services and increases vulnerability of youth to HIV infection. Children and youth from poor and vulnerable households are more likely to drop out of school, be separated from their siblings, and be exposed to all forms of abuse, such as exploitation, sexual abuse and neglect, and to suffer psychosocial trauma.

HWWK is working to alleviate the vulnerability that is brought by limited and inadequate sources of livelihood among the populations we serve.

Down but never out; How MWENDO changes lives

Mary* is a mother of two children living in Kayole, Nairobi, and was referred to the MWENDO project through the Eastern Deanery AIDS Relief Program (EDARP) in Komarock for enrollment in September 2019.

Her story is an all too familiar one. She is a survivor of Gender-Based Violence and a person living with HIV. She courageously walked out of an abusive marriage in 2012 with nothing but the clothes on her back. She started doing odd jobs such as washing clothes to support herself and her son and daughter but began losing hope that her situation would improve…

Down but never out; How MWENDO changes lives

Mary* is a mother of two children living in Kayole, Nairobi, and was referred to the MWENDO project through the Eastern Deanery AIDS Relief Program (EDARP) in Komarock for enrollment in September 2019.

Her story is an all too familiar one. She is a survivor of Gender-Based Violence and a person living with HIV. She courageously walked out of an abusive marriage in 2012 with nothing but the clothes on her back. She started doing odd jobs such as washing clothes to support herself and her son and daughter but began losing hope that her situation would improve…

MWENDO came to my aid when I had nobody to turn to

The COVID-19 pandemic has made lives incredibly difficult all over the world, with Faustina being no exception. Faustina lives in the Mukuru Kwa Reuben informal settlements in Nairobi County. When the pandemic struck, she was already struggling to put food on the table. As a single mother of 4 children, the responsibility of taking care of her family fell solely on her shoulders. She and her daughter are living with HIV, which even made her situation look grimmer…

MWENDO came to my aid when I had nobody to turn to

The COVID-19 pandemic has made lives incredibly difficult all over the world, with Faustina being no exception. Faustina lives in the Mukuru Kwa Reuben informal settlements in Nairobi County. When the pandemic struck, she was already struggling to put food on the table. As a single mother of 4 children, the responsibility of taking care of her family fell solely on her shoulders. She and her daughter are living with HIV, which even made her situation look grimmer…

MWENDO Project change stories during COVID-19

Margaret Kwamboka Barake is a highly vulnerable 48 year old widow taking care of her 4 children. The family is staying in a single rented room in Kayole Central Ward in Embakasi sub-county.

HOPE worldwide Kenya through the MWENDO* Project is supporting her with emergency fund cash transfers of KES 2,000 (about USD 20) per month for 6 months. Before the support she was struggling and had no source of income. Through this provision, she has managed to start a mask making and handwashing soap business during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the cash transfer and her small business she is currently able to take care of and support her 5 member family without difficulty…

MWENDO Project change stories during COVID-19

Margaret Kwamboka Barake is a highly vulnerable 48 year old widow taking care of her 4 children. The family is staying in a single rented room in Kayole Central Ward in Embakasi sub-county.

HOPE worldwide Kenya through the MWENDO* Project is supporting her with emergency fund cash transfers of KES 2,000 (about USD 20) per month for 6 months. Before the support she was struggling and had no source of income. Through this provision, she has managed to start a mask making and handwashing soap business during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the cash transfer and her small business she is currently able to take care of and support her 5 member family without difficulty…

Where there is a will there is a way

Phian is a 21-year-old beautiful young woman born and raised in Mathare informal settlements. Like many young women in the area, she struggled to make ends meet. When the DREAMS project scaled up to reach Mathare informal settlements, she was among the first vulnerable young women to be enrolled. By then, she didn’t have a stable source of income. As a young mother, she was experiencing many challenges. She could not afford to put even one meal on the table daily. She took on menial jobs like doing laundry in the estates, a job that she hadn’t imagined doing…

Where there is a will there is a way

Phian is a 21-year-old beautiful young woman born and raised in Mathare informal settlements. Like many young women in the area, she struggled to make ends meet. When the DREAMS project scaled up to reach Mathare informal settlements, she was among the first vulnerable young women to be enrolled. By then, she didn’t have a stable source of income. As a young mother, she was experiencing many challenges. She could not afford to put even one meal on the table daily. She took on menial jobs like doing laundry in the estates, a job that she hadn’t imagined doing…

Want to Improve someone's Livelihood?

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Red Hill Road off Limuru Road, near Gacharage High School

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Phone: +254-20-3522 549, +254-20-3522 384 Mobile: +254-725-990 993, +254-735-551 551

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Want to Improve someone's Livelihood?

Meet Us

Red Hill Road off Limuru Road, near Gacharage High School

Call Us

Phone: +254-20-3522 549, +254-20-3522 384 Mobile: +254-725-990 993, +254-735-551 551

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