The Power of Self-love

Linnet with the nurse at the Ng’ando CONNECT DREAMS site

Linnet is a resilient DREAMS girl. She was enrolled in the project in 2023. She belongs to a traditional family with parents that did not embrace education for girls.

After she was enrolled in the CONNECT DREAMS project, she was provided with the DREAMS primary services including classes on entrepreneurship, financial capability, and Evidence-based interventions such as SHUGA. She was also assigned a mentor to guide her through her period in the project.

In June 2023, Linnet visited the Ng’ando DREAMS office enquiring if she can be tested to know her HIV status. She was referred to the site’s HIV Testing services counselor, and was given information on the importance of HIV testing, preventive medication including PrEP, Contraceptive method mix and condom use. She proceeded to share her story with the counselor, who then identified Linnet as being at high risk of contracting HIV.

At the time, Linnet was experiencing intimate partner violence. She had no option but to stay in an abusive relationship due to her boyfriend paying her bills. He denied her the chance to work or go back to school, thus pushing her to look for companionship outside her relationship. Linnet was given psychosocial support because of the intimate partner violence, and was also initiated on PrEP and provided with family planning [oral pills].

After a month Linnet was called by the site staff to join vocational training sponsored by the project. She joined a hairdressing course, and was empowered to end the relationship with her abusive partner. She began to earn an income as she continued being trained and gaining hairdressing skills.

From her experience as a beneficiary in the DREAMS project, Linnet developed self-love, learnt to support herself, and is also currently not in any sexual relationship. Since she is now independent and no longer at risk, PrEP was discontinued.

Linnet is grateful as she is now economically empowered and safe.

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