SHE SOARS Taught Me to Protect Myself

Pictured is Maryanne during her interview at the Black Pen Community Youth Centre, Njiru with Care International in Kenya and HOPE worldwide Kenya

Maryanne Wambui is a 19-year-old young woman from Njiru, Kasarani Constituency. She discovered SHE SOARS during a visit by the project to her high school, where she then registered as a beneficiary.

After joining the project, Maryanne gained knowledge and skills she says has benefitted her immensely, especially with regards to Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights.

“Before joining SHE SOARS, I had very little knowledge about contraceptive methods such as Female Condoms and birth control pills. I didn’t have any idea about medication such as PrEP which can prevent a person from being infected with HIV,” She says.

As she attended SHE SOARS sessions, she learnt soft skills that built her confidence, communication skills, and how to seek help when in trouble. She also learnt about Gender Based Violence (GBV) and how to help those affected receive emergency assistance including seeking medical attention and reporting GBV cases to the police. The sessions covered other topics including prevention of teen pregnancy, not treating teenage mothers with stigma, financial management through Youth Savings and Loan Association groups, and female health such as menstruation and female hygiene.

“I am an empowered young woman who can now give or withdraw consent when it comes to having sex with a boyfriend,” She says.

Maryanne participates in a YSLA group, where she has made savings since June 2023. She is awaiting payment of dividends from her shares in June 2024.

“Thank you to SHE SOARS. Without going through Sexual Reproductive Health sessions, I never would have learnt about contraceptives and how to protect myself from Teenage pregnancy, as those are topics we don’t discuss with our parents. May God bless you. In future I would like to study Beauty and Hairdressing,” She says.

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