Project Brief


HOPE worldwide Kenya (HWWK) received funding from Global Affairs Canada through CARE International in Kenya for the SHE SOARS Campaign. SHE SOARS is an acronym meaning:

  • Sexual and reproductive Health and Economic empowerment (SHE)
  • Supporting Out of school Adolescent Girls’ Rights and Skills (SOARS)

With an implementation period of seven (7) years, the project aims to empower and improve the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of girls and young women, with specific emphasis on out-of-school adolescent girls.

Geographical Scope

SHE SOARS is implemented in Nairobi and Kajiado Counties


The project’s main objective is the increased enjoyment of health-related human rights by the most marginalized and vulnerable women and girls’ rights holders, particularly out of school adolescent girls in Kenya.

Outcome 1:

Increased equitable use of SRHR health services by diverse groups of women, particularly out of school adolescent girls.

Outcome 2:

Improved provision of gender and adolescent responsive, inclusive and accountable health services for diverse groups of women, particularly out of school adolescent girls.

Outcome 3:

Improved effectiveness of women and girls’ rights organizations to advocate for evidence-based, accountable and equitable ASRHR policies, legal frameworks and services.

Specific activities / services include:

  • Increase knowledge of SRHR and related life skills of adolescent girls and boys.
  • Improve acceptance of adolescent boys and girls, male and female gatekeepers towards adolescent girls’ empowerment, decision-making, and rights to access SRHR.
  • Strengthen systems to meaningfully engage adolescent girls and boys to hold duty bearers accountable to deliver gender and adolescent responsive SRHR services.
  • Improve skills and attitudes of HCP’s to deliver gender/adolescent responsive comprehensive SRHR services for diverse groups of out of school adolescent girls.
  • Strengthen capacity of district/county government to efficiently manage and coordinate gender/adolescent responsive, inclusive, comprehensive and accountable SRHR services.
  • Improve gender/adolescent responsive SRHR service delivery models.
  • Strengthen knowledge and skills of grassroots, community-based women’s and youth-led rights organizations to hold national duty-bearers accountable for adopting and/or implementing comprehensive ASRHR policies and services.
  • Strengthen regional coordination and cross movement-building of grassroots, community-based women’s and adolescent rights organizations to share learning, and influence policies and laws related to ASRHR.
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