Reformed and Focused

Rooney during his interview at the HOPE worldwide Kenya SHE SOARS Ruaraka site, Nairobi

Rooney Ouko is a resilient 19-year-old young man from Ruaraka, Nairobi. He was introduced to the SHE SOARS project in 2023 by a friend working at Huruma Centre, a medical facility in Kiamaiko informal settlements.

Rooney describes his life before SHE SOARS as difficult. He worked casual jobs in garbage collection, car washing and water trading. He also worked as a broker of stolen goods brought to him by his friends, including goods occasionally stolen with his encouragement. He spent his earnings on drugs and engaged in substance abuse.

Rooney joined a boy’s group which included many of his friends whom he mobilized. He gained knowledge on financial management through savings, Sexual and Reproductive Health including contraceptives, abstinence, and how to protect himself from contracting STIs. The group was also trained and started a Youth Savings and Loans Association (YSLA).

“Through SHE SOARS, I learnt to save my income. Using my savings, I opened a chicken-selling business.” He proudly says.

Through counseling and regular support from his Rover, Rooney has been able to stop the use of drugs and is now actively engaged in his business. He uses the income earned from his business to support himself and his family. He is also keen to mobilize other young people in his locality to join the project, which has benefited them immensely as they have also experienced positive change in their lives.

“Thank you to the SHE SOARS project for helping me, and I hope that they continue to help others in the community.” He concludes.

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