What We Do


On 23rd February 2003, the former US Ambassador to Kenya, Mr. Johnny Carson, officially launched the HWWK programs in Mukuru informal settlement. This marked the beginning of HWWK’s work in HIV prevention and working with youth. Since then, HWWK has grown and provided support to thousands of vulnerable youth, orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), women, truckers, and key priority populations in different parts of the country.

The beneficiaries have been reached through various programs including HIV prevention, care and treatment, general health awareness and disease prevention, education subsidies, and nutrition support. Other support programs include psychosocial support, shelter, vocational training, entrepreneurship training, support to access micro-finance initiatives, initiation of businesses, and linkage to the job market.

Ongoing Projects:


HWWK through a sub-grant from CIHEB received funding from the US Presidential Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) to implement an HIV prevention program among adolescent girls and young women through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The project is dubbed ‘DREAMS’ which means Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AS-free, Mentored, and Safe lives.

2. SHE SOARS Project

HOPE worldwide Kenya (HWWK) received funding from Global Affairs Canada through CARE International in Kenya for the SHE SOARS Campaign. SHE SOARS is an acronym meaning:

  • Sexual and reproductive Health and Economic empowerment (SHE)
  • Supporting Out of school Adolescent Girls’ Rights and Skills (SOARS)

With an implementation period of seven (7) years, the project aims to empower and improve the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of girls and young women, with specific emphasis on out-of-school adolescent girls.

3. Global Fund HIV Project

HWWK is implementing a HIV Global fund grant through a sub-grant from Kenya Red Cross Society under the New Funding Mechanism 3 (NFM3).

The grants key areas of interventions are:

  • Increasing access and uptake of HIV prevention services and commodities
  • Promoting community based approaches to HIV service delivery
  • Improving initiation and adherence to treatment

Ongoing Projects:


HWWK through a sub-grant from CIHEB received funding from the US Presidential Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) to implement an HIV prevention program among adolescent girls and young women through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The project is dubbed ‘DREAMS’ which means Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AS-free, Mentored, and Safe lives.

HOPE worldwide Kenya (HWWK) received funding from Global Affairs Canada through CARE International in Kenya for the SHE SOARS Campaign. SHE SOARS is an acronym meaning:

  • Sexual and reproductive Health and Economic empowerment (SHE)
  • Supporting Out of school Adolescent Girls’ Rights and Skills (SOARS)

With an implementation period of seven (7) years, the project aims to empower and improve the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of girls and young women, with specific emphasis on out-of-school adolescent girls.

2. SHE SOARS Project

3. Global Fund HIV Project

HWWK is implementing a HIV Global fund grant through a sub-grant from Kenya Red Cross Society under the New Funding Mechanism 3 (NFM3).

The grants key areas of interventions are:

  • Increasing access and uptake of HIV prevention services and commodities
  • Promoting community based approaches to HIV service delivery
  • Improving initiation and adherence to treatment

4. Start Small Education (Elimu ya Vijana Tuelekeze) Project

HOPE worldwide Kenya (HWWK) through a sub-grant from CARE International in Kenya received funding from the Start Small Foundation through the CARE USA Crisis Response Campaign: East Africa Education Initiative, to implement a two (2) year project to mitigate the effects of COVID – 19 on education.

The project aims to ensure that adolescents (10-19 year old) in school stay in school and are able to transit to the next grades/classes or higher levels of education. The Project will do this by training teachers to provide mental health and psychosocial support to adolescents, empower adolescents with knowledge and skills on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH), life skills, financial literacy, and development of adolescent leadership competence skills.

5. UON CRISSP KP Project

HWWK is implementing an HIV prevention project to reach Key populations including Female Sex Workers (FSW) with their partners and Men who have Sex with Men (MSM). Funding is provided from the Presidential Emergency Fund for Aids Relief (PEPFAR) through a sub-grant from the University of Nairobi CRISSP project.

Project goal: To Increasing Access to and Availability of Sustainable, High Quality, Comprehensive Health and Structural Interventions among Key Populations and Priority Populations in Central, and Eastern Regions of the Republic of Kenya under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)

HOPE worldwide Kenya (HWWK) through a sub-grant from CARE International in Kenya received funding from the Start Small Foundation through the CARE USA Crisis Response Campaign: East Africa Education Initiative, to implement a two (2) year project to mitigate the effects of COVID – 19 on education.

The project aims to ensure that adolescents (10-19 year old) in school stay in school and are able to transit to the next grades/classes or higher levels of education. The Project will do this by training teachers to provide mental health and psychosocial support to adolescents, empower adolescents with knowledge and skills on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH), life skills, financial literacy, and development of adolescent leadership competence skills.

4. Start Small Education (Elimu ya Vijana Tuelekeze) Project

5. UON CRISSP KP Project

HWWK is implementing an HIV prevention project to reach Key populations including Female Sex Workers (FSW) with their partners and Men who have Sex with Men (MSM). Funding is provided from the Presidential Emergency Fund for Aids Relief (PEPFAR) through a sub-grant from the University of Nairobi CRISSP project.

Project goal: To Increasing Access to and Availability of Sustainable, High Quality, Comprehensive Health and Structural Interventions among Key Populations and Priority Populations in Central, and Eastern Regions of the Republic of Kenya under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)

HOPE Worldwide Kenya Projects summary January 2022

Name of Project / description

Donor/ funding agencies

Project POC

Geographical coverage

Target populations

Annual targets  

NFM 111 Global fund – HIV

1.Comprehensive HIV Prevention for Key populations


2.HIV PMTCT, Care and Treatment for general Population

Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) – GF

Rose Kuria

Nakuru, Kajiado, Laikipia Counties  

Meru, Isiolo counties

Key Population (FSW, MSM, PWIDs and TG)


17,584 (FSW 13,798

MSM 3,481

PWIDs 104

Transgender 201)

NFM 111 Global fund – TB

TB care and treatment for General Population


Roselyn Nyakundi

Kitui and Tharaka Nithi Counties


TB Contact tracing 4.473

linkage to treatment  168


Comprehensive HIV prevention Key populations


Catherine Mukundi

Kirinyaga, Embu and Tharaka Nithi Counties

Key Population (FSW, MSM)

11,305 KPs (6,594FSW   4,711MSM)


(Empowerment and HIV prevention for Adolescent girls and young women)


Faith Kamau

Nairobi (13 sub counties – 31 Wards)

Adolescent Girls and Young Women

77,381 AGYW

START SMALL Education PROJECT (SSEP) “Elimu ya Vijana twendeleze”

(Empowerment for In-school adolescent girls and boys )

Care International Kenya

Hannah Njoki

Nairobi – Mukuru

Kajiado – East & Central sub-counties

Young People

31,000 Adolescents

80 VSLA groups

130 Teachers trained


Empowerment on SRHR for out-of-school adolescent girls

Care International Kenya – Global Affairs Canada

Catherine Mukundi

Nairobi – Mukuru

Kajiado – East & Central sub-counties

Out of School Young People

38,800 Girls

25 Girls groups /YSLA

10 Boys YSLA


Education for young people

Jam Quest

Tabitha Muia

Kenya, Uganda and South Sudan

In school Youth

*17 students

KYEOP (Kenya Youth Employment and Opportunities project)

·       Closing out

World Bank

Tabitha Muia

Kitui, Nakuru, Nairobi


*251 Youth


Education support for children and youth

Individual donors

Faith Kamau


Needy In school  Children and young people

*225 Children


*Targets determined by available funds

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