DREAMS Made Me Realize My Potential

Naomi off duty with her supervisor at the Parliament of Kenya Building, Nairobi

Naomi Wangui Gichuki is a 21-year-old DREAM girl living in Lenana, Ng’ando in Nairobi. She joined DREAMS after completing high school in 2021.

She learned about CONNECT DREAMS during an enrolment exercise in her community. After registering in the program, she became employed at a supermarket, where she worked for 4 months. Her employment resulted in her falling behind and not receiving the primary interventions all AGYWs receive upon enrolment in time.

After a follow-up call from the staff at the Ng’ando CONNECT DREAMS site, Naomi confirmed she was available to start attending Social Asset Building (SAB) sessions with her mentor. She also participated in sessions on SHUGA, Entrepreneurship, Financial Capability, My Health My Choice, and others.

After receiving the required primary interventions, Naomi was offered a place at a college to gain a vocational skill as part of the combination socio-economic approaches intervention of the project. She chose to pursue her passion, which was catering.

She enjoyed her classes and was very engaged, and even proudly states that she became the class prefect. She graduated with a certificate in hot kitchen and bakery.

“I didn’t know how to make black forest cake and pilau, but through my classes I learnt how to cook and bake these kinds of dishes.” She says.

She was not able to start her attachment immediately as she did not have the mandatory catering uniform. She used her resourcefulness to find the uniform she needed and returned to the college to receive her recommendation letter.

Naomi sent an application to The Parliament of Kenya Restaurant for a 3-month attachment. Her application was successful and she was admitted to work in the kitchens, where she has advanced in pastry making. She has also been trained on how to compile the different foods and fruits served to guests, and how to prepare meals in the kitchens.

“I have learnt so much during my attachment. I’m also working hard to ensure that I am considered for an employment contract.” Naomi says.

Without DREAMS, Naomi says she would never have gained the skills and confidence needed to apply for an attachment at the Parliament of Kenya. She has inspired her siblings, who are proud of her for working at such a prestigious institution.

She encourages DREAMS girls to not take the opportunities provided by the project for granted. She is grateful to the project for helping her achieve what she would have once thought impossible.

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