A few words About
Who We Are
About Us
HOPE worldwide Kenya (HWWK) started as a volunteer organization whereby a team of Christians from the Nairobi Christian Church, a constituent of the International Churches of Christ began feeding street children, working with youth, and doing blood donor mobilization.
Their benevolent activities attracted more people to participate, and before long, the vision to have an established institution that would carry out the activities in a legal, coordinated, and professional manner was born.
Registration with the local NGO Board occurred in the year 1999.

HWWK works with youth, orphaned and vulnerable children, marginalized and key populations, poor communities and the general public to improve their quality of life through responsive and innovative health programming in Kenya.
Vision & Mission
- Rights – Based programming.
- Accountability and transparency in all our actions to ensure credibility.
- Openness to feedback, ideas and learning to ensure we are creative and innovative.
- Quality, excellence and the continuous improvement of services to deliver high impact and cost effective support for our stakeholders.
- Service to the poor and underserved to bring hope and change lives.
- Stakeholder participation for community based solutions.
— Our Mission
HWWK is a faith based organization that exists to work with youth and children to improve their quality of life through responsive and innovative health programming among underserved communities in Kenya.
— Our Vision
Empowered, Healthy and Safe Communities
— Core Competencies
- Community mobilization.
- Community participation and engagement.
- Community systems strengthening.
- Community based service delivery/interventions.
- Partnership building
Guiding Principles
- Gender: HWWK is committed to addressing the inequalities and harmful norms that put both men and women at risk of disease, poor health and violence.
- Ensure strategic collaboration and coordination: Programs will ensure strong collaboration between HWWK and the counties where we work, the target populations, the local community and community organizations, to ensure a synergistic approach. We will also collaborate and cooperate with the GOK and with our donors as they coordinate on a national level.
- Community capacity, ownership, and leadership: HWWK will focus on engaging in activities and capacity building efforts that lead to county and local ownership and leadership. In the counties HWWK will focus on developing, supporting, and sustaining the stakeholder capabilities that exist, especially in regard to community based organizations, target populations and groups.
- Evidence-based Interventions: Interventions will be aligned and directly respond to the needs of youth, children, key and priority populations in Kenya with respect to the current evidence based interventions being used, and recommendations on best practices and lessons learned from other stakeholders.
- Invest in leadership, capacity and systems for long-term sustainability: The programs will support civil society to cultivate leadership, build expertise and capacity, and strengthen systems to ensure responsiveness and sustainability.
- Increase involvement of the private sector: The programs will continue to leverage the private sector through public private partnerships and other arrangements to improve the well-being of youth, children, key and priority populations.
Our Motivation
Why we serve
We serve because the Scriptures call us to love and serve the poor and needy throughout the world as Jesus did.
By demonstrating God’s love through our work, others are able to regain their worth, realize their potential and experience life in all its fullness.
Who we serve
HWWK works with youth, orphaned and vulnerable children, marginalized and key populations, poor communities and the general public to improve their quality of life through responsive and innovative health programming in Kenya.
We serve all people, regardless of their religious beliefs, gender, cultural, racial, or ethnic backgrounds. We also provide technical support to other East African countries that are starting their local chapters of HOPE worldwide.
How we serve
In partnership with County Governments and other partners, HWWK strives to offer quality services to Key Populations, youth and children in line with the strategic pillars within which we work.
HWWK provides services through Wellness Centers and Drop-in Centers, in collaboration with County Health Medical Teams.
We also work through the Mukuru Center of HOPE offering youth vocational training and doing community mobilization towards HIV prevention, economic empowerment and poverty eradication.