I am No Longer at Risk Because of DREAMS

Martha and nurse, Fiona during PrEP adherence counselling and refill

Martha Omondi is a mentor, facilitator and active DREAMS girl. She discovered the project through word of mouth in her community in the Kibera informal settlements, and was enrolled as a beneficiary in November 2021 at the age of 22. She is from a humble background and belongs to a family where her mother is the sole breadwinner.

After her enrolment, Martha received all primary services offered as part of the CONNECT DREAMS core package of services, including sessions on entrepreneurship, financial capability, and Evidence-based interventions such as SHUGA. Through SHUGA classes she was taught about preventive medication including PrEP, family planning, and the need to protect herself from contracting HIV. The classes she was taken through were very important and helpful for her as she also educated her younger sisters on the risks of contracting HIV.

She was referred by her mentor to the DREAMS Kibera DC site HIV Testing services counselor to receive biomedical services including HIV prevention, and was subsequently initiated on PrEP. Her vulnerability with no source of livelihood made her dependent on multiple sexual partners for gifts and money. Her risky behaviour exposed her to possible contraction of HIV, but through DREAMS she was able to learn of different HIV prevention measures. She was initiated on PrEP to curb her risk to HIV.

A Social Asset Building Session facilitated by Martha at the CONNECT DREAMS Kibera DC site

Martha was linked by the nurse to the Project Assistant, resulting in her receiving business startup support. She runs a business selling jewelry, and uses her income to provide for her family. She earns KES 10,000 as a mentor, and KES 6,000 through her business.

Through her hard work and determination, she was trained as a mentor where she serves her community through mentoring of Adolescent Girls and Young Women. She is now a lead mentor at the Kibera DC site. Due to her economic empowerment she is no longer at risk of contracting HIV.

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