I No Longer Depend On Others Because of DREAMS

Mary stitching a bag at the Feet on the Rock Institute front shop in Jericho Market

Mary Beltina is a spirited young woman from Kiambiu informal settlements. She joined CONNECT DREAMS in 2020. She is the lastborn in a family of 8 children and lives with her father.

Mary’s journey in DREAMS began after she completed high school, and could not continue to college due to lack of school fees. She enrolled in DREAMS during a community mobilization activity by mentors – Young women who are trained to support a group of beneficiaries through peer mentorship.

After receiving all primary interventions, including HIV testing and treatment services, family planning, Gender-Based Violence (GBV), Pre- and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP and PEP), Financial Capability, and Entrepreneurship, she chose to pursue a three-month Tailoring course at Feet on the Rock Institute in Jericho Market, Nairobi. Her choice was inspired by her passion for interior design and tailoring. The headteacher took note of Mary’s determination, passion, and talent and decided to retain her as a tailor and teacher at the institute.

Since 2021, Mary has worked at Feet on the Rock Institute. She trains and mentors other DREAMS girls and designs and stitches items for sale, including bags, pillows, curtains, and tablecloths/mats. She earns an average monthly income of KES 10,000, which she uses to support herself and pay for her father’s upkeep.

Pictured is a bag stitched by Mary for a contract she won to supply one of the projects implemented by HOPE worldwide Kenya, SHE SOARS.

“The biggest transformation in my life is that I am now economically empowered and no longer depend on others. I moved out of my sister’s house and now live on my own.” Mary says.

Esther Mutua, Owner/Director of Feet on the Rock, has nothing but praise for her: “Mary has exceeded her training to taking initiative to research and bring new designs to the shop. When I am not at work, as my co-teacher, she takes over and is in charge. Other DREAMS girls are motivated by her success.”

Mary’s dream for her future is to own an interior design shop and sell items she has designed and stitched.

“My advice to other adolescent girls and young women is that DREAMS is fantastic and will help you. Even if you are at a low point in life, if you join and work hard in the course you’re sponsored for, your life will change. Thank you to the donors for their support.” Mary says.

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