Fundraiser Alert!!

Kenya Kids
Education Fundraiser

About the Campaign

According to a survey by UNICEF, the dropout rate of primary school children is 21% yet it’s free and therefore it’s higher in high school. The COVID pandemic has heightened the cases due to the economic challenges faced by parents. If this situation remained this way, we’ll have many more drop outs, increased child labor, early teenage pregnancies, drug and substance abuse, increased crime, unskilled labour force and the list goes on. Through Kenya Kids child sponsorship project, we have supported over 70 children through high school and facilitate some to transition to University and we want to do more. The Kenya Kids project provides you with the opportunity to contribute to Children’s freedom to education and fulfillment of their dreams.

Kenya Kids Education Fundraiser Campaign

Watch our call to action videos to learn more about our campaign.

Kenya Kids Campaign Beneficiaries Testimonials

"I am happy and so glad for the support I received from the Kenya Kids project. The school fees subsidy I received helped a lot as my father’s job is up and down.It is my prayer to God to provide you with more blessings to keep doing so.
Thank you and God bless you."
Manasseh Ngumbau
Kenya Kids Campaign Beneficiary
"This is to express our gratitude for your continuous support in paying school fees for our son Jesse. You have continuously nourished our hearts and lifted us from a position where we could not have managed on our own. Jesse himself appreciates with all his heart being in school, and promises to work hard to improve his grades so that all the sacrifices and efforts are not in vain. We pray that God will always make His grace abundant to you and richly reward you in all you undertake to do.
Thank you and may God bless you."
Peris and Jeremiah Otuoma
"I am a parent to Mabel Anono, and I would like to thank you very much for supporting my child with school fees. I really appreciate the generous donation you made which was received. With this donation my child will learn comfortably with others and have a bright future.
May our almighty Father guide you and give you good health to touch many who are in need."
Mama Mabel Anono
"It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I write to thank you for your generous financial aid that you make towards my daughter’s school fees.I am a single mother and my biggest breakthrough could be seeing my daughter finish her studies by making sure her educational expenses are taken care of. Thank you once again."
Mama Claudia Kwamboka

Help Keep a Child in School

Donate any amount and it will make a difference.

Your contribution counts.

We have options for local and international donations.

2 Easy Ways to Donate to Our Campaign:

Thank You for
Your Contribution!!

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